fredag 21. desember 2018

My christmas wish

All I want for christmas is a changing view
Not just in our words
But in all we do

Like no christmas sock will ever be made by a child
And the christmas tree for thousands of years
Will still grow wild

And our christmas roast had a good life from the start
For all animals are precious and should be
Treated with a caring heart

That every child can wake up safe in their beds
With no worries just happy memories
Stuck in their heads

That a parent will let the alcoholic eggnog be
So there be no scared and hurting children
Just a jolly house to see

That there are presents for every child on earth
It doesn't matter what your precondition are
It cant decide a humans worth

This is what I want for christmas put under my tree
For our christmas wishes are also
Someone we should strive to be

fredag 9. november 2018

Kom til meg

I mitt hjerte finnes en skog
som stadig vokser seg stor
Her vrimler det yrende liv
av planter og dyr
av bekker som klukker
og myrer som sukker

I mitt hjerte finnes en skog
og aller dypest inne er det et tre
Her sitter en spraglende fugl
som synger om skogens liv
og trofast holder den styr
på alle skogens ulike eventyr

Den synger en svak melodi
mens natten glir stille forbi
Se, skogen rører på seg
den rister av seg sitt kalde teppe
av vinteren som kom for en stund
mens sommeren tok seg en blund.

Fuglen letter og flyr for å se
på det som var og det som er borte
Skogen som våkner på nytt
tiden er inne for morgengry
en sommeren er igjen på vei
så kom og bli med i skogen hos meg

mandag 10. september 2018


Perfect houses, perfect scores
Perfect life’s, I do ignore
But deep inside I know the truth
I am my failures now, and in my youth
I am the shadow with no crown
I am the dwelling, and a long gone town
I am a place you once drove by
Still living there and wondering why
Perfect never got to me
For I am just an ordinary simplicity
Perfect jobs and perfect style
For you it only was a shortcut while
You just stood there, aced it all
But I am still standing here, little and small
But still you judge, for I could have overcome
All the failures I have become
All my lacking lays with me
I am the creator of my own reality
But how can I create without the proper tools
How can one become from none, to no more fools
Do you really think I choose to be this way
That all my failures was particular choice in my everyday
And are my failures mine alone
Our are they outcomes of the life we won
I do not know if I reflect your judging truth
But I am something more than no bedazzling youth

I am my life, the one I got
I am never no one, I am not
I am like you a product from my lived and won past
Even though yours is perfect and mine the outcast
For I am not perfect, I am my failures as you see
But this I rather be
Then all the perfect you cast your way
At least my failures enlights my way
For a life of perfect never guarantee
A happy life you see
But I promise this to you
I would never judge your failures, or your moments lack of glee
For I have learned life is never and will never be the illusion of perfectly

mandag 13. august 2018


De to følgende diktene om fluen er laget av mine to nydelig barn <3


Fluen flyr og flyr og stopper aldri.
Tenk om jeg var en flue,
tror du jeg hadde flydd og flydd og aldri stoppet?

-Laget av Aurora Sæthre Frøholm


Det var en gang en flue
som ble smekket av en fluesmekker.

- Laget av Alexander Sæthre Frøholm

lørdag 30. juni 2018

How does one know

So how does one know for certain that love is about to start
And how does love choose its players, like a perfect piece of art
Is it with a feeling that this story needs now to begin
And do the players know they're playing from within

How can one know the feeling love gives is quite for real
That all you ever wanted is in this single deal
Is it in the way one walks and talks about it in a day
Or is it in the silent language we cast each others play

How can we know it's love when there's no rules hanging on the wall
And yet what we know is that it can someway find a way to all
And then it's like a well kept secret that urges us to be told
For in those magic words our part will then unfold

For you're like a piece of art standing on my scene
and I'm mesmerized staring at your marvel of a screen
The role you play is stuck with me, it can never disappear
And it clings to us like light and fluffy air

And love doesn't choose us for us beauty neither for our youth
Its built upon the hearts that are longing for its truth
So does it really matter how our play once came to start
For all love ever need was your living, breathing heart

fredag 27. april 2018


When did it start within
when did our dance begin

was it in the morning light
As the sun was rising to the sky
or the black of night
when the night swarms flew quickly by

I cannot tell the time, for I am lost in its sea
I dwell in this hour, lost beyond me
All that exit now is a naked heart that’s me
For I’m changed, I am new
Your touch set me free
And all that I can do is to coexist with you
I am but lost, still it’s all I want it to be
lost beyond reason, lost beyond me
It doesn't even matter when it all supposed to start
not now, not then, not at all
says my pulsing heart
So vulnerable and small

My heart, long lost in the deep of your sea
Its swallowed all my senses, a price paid willingly



mandag 8. januar 2018

Sonett: Alderdom

Å være trøtt og sliten i kroppen min
Å finne glede ved regn på kinnet

Å være glad er å holde hånden din

Å finne  glede beriker sinnet

Jeg er aleine med min tanke

Jeg er her enda for en liten stund

Jeg kan fortelle hver vemodstanke
Hvis du vil lytte til min gamle munn

En dag vil du være trøtt og sliten

En dag vil du finne de gleder små

En dag vil du bli puslete og liten

Og undrende se fra den gang til nå

Så når regnet faller kan du forstå

at store tanker er så bittesmå