onsdag 20. desember 2017

I should be

I am who I am,
though I often feel like I should be.
Something so much greater then the one you`re left too see.
I wish I be that painting hanging on the wall,
the one with the mighty dragon protecting big and small.
Or maybe I should be a golden statue of a girl in spring,
that always keep on smiling
no matter what her day may bring.
But I am often neither,
brave or glad.
And often I feel quite opposite,
more cowardly and sad.
But one thing that I know,
always will be true.
I am utterly and endlessly in love with you

lørdag 30. september 2017

Real life

I once was told
That I must be old
To understand real life
Then the years past by
And there was I
Standing at a still
For neither was I brighter or wiser at my will

Though I tried to study life in all
The puzzle was still there
Challenging and making my utterly despair

Then suddenly, it dawned on me
For my thoughts was the simple key
For life is this, as it came to be
Here on this place called earth
I would not have existed here
If it wasn't for my birth

So to understand real life is to simply see
The understanding lies in that I once became a me

mandag 17. april 2017

The spaces of our heart

At times our hearts can feel so lonely
Like someone’s not around
And you looking for the only
That someone to be found
But then one day I did discovered
Its not loneliness we might feel
But something more profounding
Something just as real
For our hearts have many spaces
Some big and some are small
It gives room for different people
Both the short once and the tall
And all these spaces has its stories
For they all has its own person to behold
But at times our hearts grows bigger
It’s the beauty of a heart I’m told
And in this change we find confusion
Misinterpret as a lonely heart
But instead it’s more like a pressing feel
When a new love is about to start.

torsdag 16. mars 2017

Your beauty

Your beauty is not form from your reflection
Neither from the glances that are cast your way
For those eyes that look upon you
Never saw the beauty in your day
For you are more than your reflection
You're your kindness and your smile
You're your laughter in the morning
And your tears that's running wild
You're your wickedness that haunts me
You're the rosy skin that heats my night
You're the song that can't be written
For no words can form your light
And in a day I see true beauty
Standing by my side
For no first impression or no mirror
Can show all the beauty that you hide
For you're your beauty
Your true self
And if one saw you in your day
They then would know true beauty
Should be looked on just this way

mandag 16. januar 2017


Jeg er bildene som sitter igjen
Hvert eneste et
Jeg er bildene som skal komme
Hvert eneste et

Jeg er dem alle

På godt og på vondt
De vakre og de dårlige
De kjedelige og spennende
De er sin egen styrke, sin egen svakhet
De bærer sitt eget håp og sin egen tro

De er alt 
Ingen av dem er endret, kan endres

Men allikevel er de akkurat som de skal være

Akkurat riktig
Selv fulle av feil
Av unøyaktighet
Av riper

Og alle bildene fortjener
Å bli studert
Å bli godtatt 

For de er det kjæreste jeg har,
Akkurat som dine bør være det kjæreste for deg.

For det er gjennom bildene,  mening kan skapes
For gjennom dem vises det menneske du er
For gjennom dem dannes en historie

Som bare er min, helt ekte.
Som bare er min, helt unik. 
Som bare er mine, hvert eneste et.

tirsdag 3. januar 2017

A moment

For a moment, it felt a brief one
All I thought about was you
And in my moment, I was distant
Nothing hurt and all was true
But then I realised I was seeing
Something other than was there
Something that had been hiding
And in my moment I had forgot that I should care
For I was blinded beyond my reasons
I was blinded with myself, the one with you still here
And it makes fictions into knowledge
And then knowledge into lies I thought were true, I swear
And I might have thought I could avoid it
But I was blinded by the truth
For when it comes along and chose to finds us
We are bond to be smitten by its youth
And no one has or ever will control it
It's nothing one can really do
Just have to stand there and be hopeful
That it sticks around a while with you
For love has never had a purpose, not a single one
It just comes whenever it is ready
But it only takes a brief moment to be gone